What Are the Benefits of Instrument-Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization?
Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) is a popular alternative medicine treatment here at Results Care in Naples, Florida. This manual technique uses specific instruments to treat a range of conditions, including soft tissue inflammation, chronic pain, and tendonitis. In addition to alleviating symptoms, Results Care Graston Therapy can speed the healing process. Listed below are just a few of the benefits of the therapy. Read on to learn more. * Tendonitis: An inflammation of the tendons that connect your muscles to your bones. The condition is most common in sportspeople who perform repetitive motions.
Results Care Graston Therapy
Patients may undergo several treatments, including Graston therapy, to achieve their desired results. The number of treatments depends on the patient’s body sensitivity and the type of problem. For most conditions, the treatment can be completed within three to four sessions. Following treatment, the physical therapist will recommend exercises to improve the patient’s range of motion. In many cases, patients report seeing noticeable results within three to four treatments. This treatment is suitable for patients with chronic pain or dysfunction, such as fibrosis or plantar fasciitis.
Graston Therapy in Naples, FL is a common soft-tissue therapy, combining ancient Chinese therapies with the latest technology. More than fifty major sports organizations use stainless-steel instruments for treatment. Many elite athletes also use the technique for a variety of conditions. As a result, Graston therapy can significantly reduce pain and speed up the recovery process of injured tendons. In some cases, patients may even be able to enjoy an increase in mobility as a result of fewer treatments.
In addition to treating soft-tissue problems, the Graston Technique can also be used to treat chronic pain caused by repetitive strain. People who spend long hours on their feet can benefit from the treatment of plantar fasciitis. Graston Technique can help patients who have undergone total knee replacement, spinal fusion, plantar fasciitis, or increased muscle tone as a result of a stroke or cerebral palsy. Patients may also benefit from home-exercises after a Graston treatment to help the healing process.
Instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization is a popular soft-tissue therapy in the United States. Although the techniques are similar, the Graston method uses a stainless-steel tool to perform the manipulation instead of manual pressure. While manual therapy activates the nerve fibers, instrument-assisted soft-tissue mobilization stimulates the sense organs in the body. The Graston technique is often performed by a physical therapist or a chiropractic doctor.
Graston Technique is a therapeutic technique that uses a stainless-steel hand tool to break up adhesion and scar tissue. The instruments are designed to glide across the skin, causing friction against the scar tissue. When a patient has a treatment with Graston Technique, their body is more likely to heal more quickly and experience fewer pain. And because Graston Technique involves a gentle pressure, it is not painful for the practitioner.
The Graston Technique works on muscle tissue by breaking down scar tissue and fascia restrictions. This enables patients to regain full function. It is particularly helpful for people suffering from back muscle strain. The technique can also reduce the need for anti-inflammatory medications. By introducing small amounts of micro-trauma, the Graston Technique also facilitates the healing cascade. The results are impressive. The technique has been used by more than 18,000 clinicians worldwide, more than 1,960 outpatient facilities, fifty industrial sites, and 280 professional sports organizations.
Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization
Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization is a type of manual therapy that was developed to address a variety of problems including fascial restrictions, chronic inflammation, and scar tissue. Unlike other soft tissue strategies, the Graston technique utilizes a stainless steel instrument that creates controlled micro-abrasions along the fascia. As these instruments work along the fascia, they break down scar tissue and improve circulation to the area. This allows soft tissue to move again, which can help alleviate pain and increase range of motion.
Using specially designed instruments, the Graston Technique can break down fascial restrictions and scar tissue to promote healing. The instruments, which are used in conjunction with a licensed physical therapist, break up scar tissue and fascial restrictions. This process eliminates pain and promotes healing of soft tissue injuries. It can resolve conditions that previously seemed permanent. Typically, patients receive two treatments a week, and a good response is usually seen by the third or fourth treatment.
IASTM is a highly effective rehabilitation method for a variety of muscle and tendon injuries. Because it is so effective, the therapist will likely prescribe a home exercise program for patients to perform at home. The therapist will also review with patients how to continue their recovery at home using various soft tissue exercises and stretches. The therapist will also discuss with patients the proper way to apply the techniques after treatment.
IASTM can also be part of treatment paradigms, which may incorporate other adjunctive techniques. The need to clarify what constitutes a specialized tool is essential. The working definition of instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization will be useful in clinical replication and systematic analysis. If this is not possible, practitioners should consider using the term “instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization” when describing the technique.
As an innovative approach to soft tissue mobilization, the Graston Technique utilizes specially designed stainless steel instruments to break down scar tissue and fascial restrictions in a noninvasive manner. Instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization helps clinicians identify and treat soft tissue fibrosis and adhesions by breaking down the scar tissue. The instruments also allow for sensitivity in the treatment process, which is critical for treating fibrotic and injured tissue.
During a Graston therapy session, the therapist will perform an instrument-assisted soft tissue mobilization (IASTM) technique. Using various hand held tools, the therapist will manipulate soft tissue structures, creating controlled microtrauma that stimulates the healing process. This technique is highly effective in treating tennis elbow, golfers elbow, and other conditions that result from scarring. However, this therapy can be used on any part of the body, including joints and muscles.
In addition to using a tool with precise strokes, a physical therapist can apply this technique to any part of the body. Generally, results will be noticeable in three to four sessions, but some patients may experience mild bruising. However, it is important to consult with your physical therapist if you experience discomfort or bruising during this therapy. If you suspect that you may have a chronic condition or have suffered an injury, Graston physical therapy is the way to go.
Results Care Graston Technique’s instruments
The Graston Technique’s instruments are made of stainless steel and have different shapes and sizes. They are designed to add an extra level of tactile feel to the treatment and increase the patient’s involvement. These instruments are not only comfortable to use but also have beveled edges that help the clinician apply the proper pressure for the condition being treated. In addition, the instruments can be used to treat deeper restrictions that other methods cannot.
Graston Technique’s instruments are designed to break up fascia by stretching connective tissues and promoting a healing environment. The instruments also appear to be neurologic in nature, as the response is similar to that of other manual therapies. Some literature has even suggested that the instruments activate specific nerve fibers in the body, as well as the position of sense organs. The benefits of this technique are numerous, and it continues to evolve and become more widely used.
Because the Graston Technique is extremely effective, it is only recommended for practitioners who have been properly trained and certified to perform this therapy. Usually, the treatment is part of a treatment plan that may include physical therapy or chiropractic care. After treatment, patients may be given exercises to do on their own to help them heal. If this method is too intensive, the patient should seek a second opinion. A licensed therapist can help them choose the most appropriate treatment plan.
Whether the Graston Technique is safe depends on the individual. One study found that a few instruments were used in the procedure, but the results were not conclusive. There are a few testimonials from patients who have tried the technique, but no research proves it is safer or more effective than manual mobilization. Although the technique has many benefits, there are no clinical studies to back its claims. In other words, Graston Technique is not a miracle cure. Nevertheless, it is a great option for treating various injuries and gaining control of your life when you are injured.